Our Approach
Gentle is Powerful.
The Colorado River's origins were significantly influenced by the uplift of the Rocky Mountains, a geological event that began millions of years ago during the Laramide Orogeny. Rainwater and snowmelt from the mountains began to flow differently, carving out deep valleys and canyons. As the river flowed, it eroded the landscape, carrying sediments downstream and further shaping the region. Its formation is a testament to the slow and patient work of nature's processes, and unhurried flow embodies efficiency. Remember, we are nature.
Our approach is simple. We give your tissue time to change, and work at the speed of your nervous system. That's it. More isn't always better and communicating safety to your body is key for creating lasting changes. Your soft tissue doesn't decide what pain is, the brain does, so...why would we only focus on your muscles?
Our brain-based approach to massage works because we understand that it's not about how "deep" we go into your tissue, but rather how we get there.
Who's It For?
Besides Everyone.
Chronic Muscle Tension
TMJ Dysfunction
Old Injuries **We highly recommend lymphatic work for the new ones!**
Pain With Movement
A Sedentary Lifestyle
Frozen Shoulder
Plantar Fascitits
Trauma (Emotional or Physical)
Extensive Scar Tissue
Repetitive Stress Injuries
Chronic Fatigue
High Blood Pressure
Multiple Sclerosis
And So Much More...​